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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] What is that? / What was that? (2023.1.10.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 11.

January 10, 2023

What is that? / What was that?

뭐야? / 뭐였지?


A: We jest need to score one more point!

B: Come on, Curry! Let's go! Five seconds!

A: Woah! What was that?

B: Why did he just throw th ball to the stands?


What does it (exactly) do? (정확히) 어떻게 쓰여요?


That's what it does! 이렇게 하는 거구나!


what does this do? 이거 어떻게 하는거야?


What the heck was that (all) about? 방금 도대체 (강조) 뭐냐?


What on earth is that? 세상에. 저거 뭐냐?


That's what too much social media does to you. 저게 바로 SNS의 부작용이야.

That's what happens when you're on social media too much. SNS를 너무 많이 하면 저렇게 돼.

That's what drinking and driving can do to you. 음주운전 하면 저런 일이 생기는 거야.




진짜 미국 영어 (진짜 미국 영어)

미국 켈리포니아 출신의 교포 영어선생님에게 최신 미국식 영어 표현과 뉘앙스를 배워봅니다.진행 : 김교포 & 로라킴...


