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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] say (2023.2.24.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 24.

February 24, 2023

say 말 하는 사람보다 '대화'에 초점

<Today's Situation>

A: Hey, when's your ETA?

B: The navigation says eight fifty... EAT is around 9 p.m.

A: Lol. Just say EAT 9 p.m. ETA already means "Estimated time."

B: Right. Like ATM machine.

* ETA: Estimated time of Arrival


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

I'm going to leave a comment asking him to stop saying that. - Good luck.

Look me in the eye and say that!

That is so sweet of you to say! Thank you!

You're just saying that because you feel sorry for me.


I don't believe a word you say.

You don't have the right to say that.

Let's say I went there. Why would lie and say I didn't go?

They say nothing lasts forever.


<김교포 & 로라's tip>

let's say VS let's just say

A: I didn't do it.

B: Let's say I believe you. What happened?


Let's say I do have the virus. How would I have gotten it? I never left my house.


Let's say I did this for you. What do I get out of it?

내가 너를 위해 했다고 치자. 그럼 나는 거기서 뭘 얻지?


Let's just say (...) he had a great personality.

뭐랄까.. 성격은 엄청 좋았다고 하자

(That say it all)


A: What exactly do you do?

B: Let's just say I make people money.

A: That sounds fishy.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

What do you say?

What's the magic word? (=Please 라고 해야지)

you know what they say 왜 그런 말 있잖아

(As) they say! An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

그 유명한 말처럼..

A handshake says a lot about a person.

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.


<Natives Only Nuance>


No point in asking them. It's going to become a he-said-she-said.

물어봐야 소용없어. 서로 자기 말이 맞다는 상황이 될거야.


A: To whom does the White Sea belong?

B: Well, it's a bit of a he-said-she-said situation.

글쎄요. 서로 자기 말이 맞다고 하는 상황입니다.



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