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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 거절하는 표현들 2 (2023.3.3.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 3.

March 3, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

* No can do! '응~ 안돼~!/싫어~!' 

(진지한 상황에서는 사용하지 않음. 미국에 이민 온 중국인들의 broken English를 놀리며 탄생, 관용 표현이 됨.)

A: I'll trade you my Spiderman for your Batman!

B: Sorry! No can do! My batman is more expensive!


A: Come on, Dad! I'll work hard from now on!

B: Nope! No can do!


* Will do! (넵!)

A: Hey, Tommy. Could you send me the meeting notes/minutes?

B: Will do! / Sure! / Absolutely!


<Today's Situation>

A: I'll trade you my Spiderman for your Batman!

B: Haha. No way! No can do, sir! My batman is way (pretty) more expensive.

A: You're gonna regret this. Just watch.

B: Will do~.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Republicans wanted to get rid of that law. Democrats said no can do.


If you tray to ratate the other way, no can do. (하면 안 되죠~)


A: I'll get some sleep soon! You get some sleep, too!

B: Will do! Have a good night!


Haters tried to make mo quit. But I said, "No can do!"


Just try to focus on this project, nothing else. - Will do!


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

not able to do something 무언가를 할 수 없는

Heck no! 절대 안돼!

Not in a million years. 이 생에서는 안 돼.

Not under any condition. 어떤 조건에서도 안 돼.

Over my dead body. 죽어도 안 돼.



Of course!




<Natives Only Nuance>

What part of "no" don't you understand?

(몇번을 안 된다고 했는데.. )

What part of "I'm busy" don't you understand?

(바쁘다고 했자나.. )

A: I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you said you don't have any plans tonight?

  엿들을 생각은 아니었는데, 오늘 밤에 아무 계획이 없다고?

B: Yeah... I think that's called eavesdropping.

  네, 그게 엿듣는 거에요.

A: Haha. Can I take you out to dinner tonight to make up for eavesdropping?

  ㅎㅎ, 내가 엿들은 걸 만회하기 위해 저녁 식사 대접을 해도 될까?

B: What part of "no" don't you understand?

  안 된다고 몇번을 말했는데.. 


* 다른 표현들

No means no. / I said no multiple times.

I think I made this very clear.



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