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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 웃음 관련 표현 (2023.3.1.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 2.

March 1, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

* laugh at 무엇을 보고 웃다, 누구를 비웃다 / laugh with 누구랑 같이 웃다

What are you laughing at? 

cf. What so funny?


* smile

She has a beautiful smile.


* giggle

Why are you giggling like a schoolgirl?


* chuckle 허허 웃다

He chuclked at the joke.


* grin 이가 보이게 씩 웃다

Why are you grinning? 


<Today's Situation>

A: (giggling) I can't believe he texted me!

B: Why are you giggling like a schoolgirl?

A: This guy I like texted me. He makes me smile.

B: Smile? More like the biggest grin I've ever seen on your face!


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Look at his face! - Haha. That's hilarious! Oh, man. I can't stop laughing.

Wipe that grin off your face! (문장 전체 상용구)

He's like a teddy bear. - Yeah, he just chuckles at everything.


What's so funny? / What are you laughing at?

They're not laughing with you. They're not laughing at you. 

You have a great smile. You should smile more often.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

snicker at someone 상대방을 무시하여 조용히 웃다

crack up 빵 터지다  (You so funny. You crack me up 처럼 같이 사용)

make fun of someone 누구를 놀리다

LOL (Laugh Out Loud) > lol


<Natives Only Nuance>

have the last laugh

They thought they were going to defeat us easily, especially because they outnumbered us. Well, we got the last laugh.


A: Who was that?

B: That was an academy I applied to when I first started out. They didn't even call for a job interview at the time.

A: What did they say?

B: They were wondering if I wanted to come work for them.

A: I guess you got the last laugh, huh?



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