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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] on the spot (2023.3.8.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 8.

March 8, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

on the spot

* 현장에서

(강도에 대해 얘기하는 상황)

He was caught on the spot.

He was caught red-handed. (구체적인 상황에서 잡힘, catch someone in the act의 비격식 표현)


* 그 자리에서

She fired him on the spot.

She fired him right then and there. (바로 그 자리에서 해고)


* 즉흥적으로

I'm not good at making on-the-spot decisions.

I'm not good at thinking on my feet. (즉흥적으로 결정하는 것을 잘 못해요.)


<Today's Situation>

A: So, did you talk to him about putting you on the spot.

B: Yeah, I talked to him right after the meeting.

A: Oh! I'm glad you confronted him. What did he say? (confront : 따지다 의 느낌)

B: He apologized on the spot, surprisingly.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

He asked how much I needed and wired the money on the spot.

I like 3D printing because I can make what I need on the spot.

She took the offer on the spot.


I was like, "This is what I need!" and bought it on the spot.

He was caught red-handed. He was fired on the spot.

I don't like being put on the spot because I'm not good at thinking on the spot.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

plan something out 무엇에 대한 계획을 새우다.

spontaneously 자발적으로

spontaneous person 자발적인 사람

impulsive 충동적인

It just happened. 그냥 일어난 일이다.

unplanned 무계획의


<Natives Only Nuance>


(on the spot 보다 더 즉흥적인 느낌, 미래의 이벤트에 대해 쓸수 있음.)

I think we're going to have a spur-of-the-moment get-together today.


A: You guys kissed?

B: It was spur-of-the-moment.


A: You didn't invite any of us!

B: It was spur-of-the-moment!


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