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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] persuade vs. convince (2023.4.12.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 13.

April 12, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

persuade / convince

* convince

'확신시키다', '설득하다'

convinced '확신[설득]된 상태'(처음에는 믿지 않았지만,)

convincing '설득력 있는', '믿을만한')

At our hospital, before we give a surgery, we need to be convinced the patient actually needs the treatment.

I didn't believe it at first, but now I'm convinced.

Very convincing. 그럴싸하네 (믿을뻔 했다)


* persuade

'무엇을 하도록 설득하다', '꼬시다'

I persuaded him to join the army. 나는 그에게 군에 입대하라고 설득했어.

cf. I convinced hime to go to the army. 나는 그에게 군대에 가야 한다는 확신을 주었어.


<Today's Situation>

A: We think we're very rational. But our emotional side of the brain is much more powerful.

B: Yeah, using emotions is a good technique to persuade people.

A: You need to also convince them. You need to do both.

B: Like David. By the end of 15 minutes, you're ready to buy into his idea, even if you're pretty defensive about it. He's very persuasive.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

I convinced my parents to let me travel the world.

You think they bought it? - Oh yeah, you were very convincing. / It was very convincing.

넘어간 것 같아? - 응, 너 완전 믿을 만했어. / (너의 행동이나 과정이) 아주 믿을 만했어.

Hmm. That doesn't sound very convincing.


I'm his sister. I can persuade him.

Okayyyy, (that's) very convincing!

She's very persuasive person. She'll be able to convice him.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

You make a very persuasive argument.

talk someone into something 누구에게 무엇을 하라고 설득하다

one is good with words 말솜씨가 좋다

induce 설득하다


<Natives Only Nuance>

(one is so persuasive that) one could sell something to someone

(너무 설득력이 있어서) 무엇을 누구한테 팔 수 있다

She's so persuasive (that) she could sell water to a well.

He could sell melting chocolate ice cream to a bride in a white wedding dress.

I bet I can sell guns to Gandhi.

She's smooth. She could sell a comb to a monk.



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