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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] because of / due to (2023.4.13.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 13.

April 13, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

because of / due to

* because of 명사

일상생활에서 많이 사용.

because S + V  

I was late because I got in an accident.


A: Are you guys not close?

B: We hang out because of our kids.


I changed for you. My soul, my personality and so many things. Because of you.


* due to

'~ 때문인', '~으로 인한' (격식있는 표현)

The game has been canceled due to heavy rain.

cf. Why did the game get canceled? - Because it rained like crazy.


<Today's Situation>

A: Are you okay? I think you should go see a doctor.

B: I went yesterday, and he said, it's because of fine dust.

A: Where is all this dust coming from?

B: Due to environmental pollution from China.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

I went to bed early because I was super tired.

Due to lack of sleep, I've been very tired lately.

5,346 people have lost their lives due to drunk driving last year.


Why did you go back to America? - Because of her.

When she was young, her family moved around due to money problems.

I started saying "thanks to" instead of saying "because of."


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

Because! 왜냐고!

A: Why should I let you go on this vacation?

B: Because! I deserve it. I worked my butt off!


Just because. 그냥 별 이유 없이.

A: Why did you do that?

B: Just because. No reason.


cause and effect


What is the origin of ~ ? ~의 유래는 무엇인가요?


Por que? 뭐 때문에?

For what?


<Natives Only Nuance>

Just because ~. doesn't mean ~.

Just because you're pretty, doesn't mean you could play with my heart like that.

Just because you're a mom with four kids, doesn't mean you can't enjoy your life!



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