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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] big / large (2023.4.17.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 17.

April 17, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

big / large 

* big

(big이 더 많이 쓰임. big은 눈에 보이지 않는 것들에 대해서도 사용. 일의 중요성도 표현)

1. 중요한

 This is a big decision.

2. 성공한

 She's big time in this industry. 그녀는 이 업계에서 매우 성공한 사람이야.

3. 강력한

 That was a big earthquake.

4. 오빠/형/누나/언니

 He's my big brother.

5. 매우

 I'm a big fan.


* large

(사용 빈도수는 작음. 옷의 치수, 공간, 대상의 양 등)

1. 옷 사이즈

 Does this come in (a) large (size)?

2. 양과 관련된 단어(amount, percentage, proportion 등) 앞에

 He gave us a large amount.

3. 신체 부위 앞에

 She has big/large eyes. (빈도수는 big이 압도적으로 높음)


<Today's Situation>

A: This is a nice house!

B: It's a bit too big for me, but I plan to settle down here.

A: May I ask how you were able to afford this house?

B: I paid half of it with the inheritance money. It was a large amount.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

My big sister is a big shot in this industry. (big shot: 영향력 있는)

Excuse me? Does this come in a large (size)?

Could you lower your voice a little bit? I have (a) big exam tomorrow. Thanks.


Thank you so much! I owe you big time.

I'd like one double-double burger and one large french fries, please.

Put the paper down. You're making a big mistake. (경찰이 증거를 태우려고 하는 범인을 발견한 상황)


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

huge : big이나 large의 강조 표현


  We have great hopes for our upcoming project.

  She's in great danger.


<Natives Only Nuance>

play a big[large] part[role]

AI will play a big[large] part in our future.

I realized that healthy relationship plays a large part[role] in happiness.

She played a big role in that movie.

Producer Park played a big part in the success of this show.



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