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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] bother / disturb / interrupt (2023.4.18.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 18.

April 18, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

bother / disturb / interrupt 

* bother

(누구를 신경쓰게 해서 어떤 일을 정상적으로 진행하지 못하게 괴롭히고 방해, 불편하고 귀찮게 한다는 뜻.)

Stop bothering your brother.

It bothers me that our CEO didn't do anything about that.

I'm sorry to bother you.


* disturb

(bother와 비슷하지만, 사용 빈도수는 적음. 훨씬 더 방해가 될때, 격식있는 표현)

Do Not Disturb (요즘에는 Room Occupied로 변경하는 호텔도 있음)

disturbing the peace 치안 방해


* interrupt

(중간에 끼어 들어 방해하고 중단시킨다는 의미. '말을 끊다'인 cut someone off 와 동의어로 쓰임)

When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. - Henry J. Kaiser


<Today's Situation>

Mom: Sweetheart, stop bothering your sister.

yonger sister: I'm not bothering her. I just want to play with her.

Mom: Look here! What does the sign say?

elder sister: I'm sorry to interrupt (you) two. Both of you, out!


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

If you do this for me, I won't bother you again. Not even a Christmas card! (위트있는 표현)

Stop bothering your brother. He has a project due tomorrow.

Am I interrupting? (= Is this a bad time?) - Of course not. Please come in.


She's disturbing the customers.

I'm awfully sorry to bother you so late.

Can I interrupt for a second? (기자가 훈련중인 선수에게 인터뷰를 하려는 상황)


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

annoy 짜증나게 하다

irritate (annoy보다 더 지속적이거나 강한 짜증의 느낌, 모기에 물리는 것처럼 물리적인 요소를 가지고 있음)

disturbance 방해, 폐해

disruptive 파괴적인

I don't mind 저는 괜찮습니다

intrude 방해하다

trouble 귀찮게 하다

break in 침입하다


<Natives Only Nuance>

don't (even) bother

'굳이 그럴 필요가 없으니 신경 쓰지 않는다'

'~ 하지도 마', '생각지도 마'

People mispronounce my name, but I don't even bother correcting them anymore.

If you don't get the job done, don't even bother coming back.

= If you ~ , don't even think about coming back.

Some people just read labels, and they don't bother to know what you have inside.

You don't have to care about what they think about you. Just be yourself and don't bother with them.



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