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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] Actions speak louder words. (2023.1.5.) January 5, 2023 Actions speak louder words. 말보다 행동이 중요하다 A: I care about our family more than work. B: Well, actions speak louder than words. A: I married you. What about that action? B: Yes, but does anyone at your work know that I even exist? 말보다 행동인 타입입니다. 한다면 합니다. I'm an actions-speak-louder-than-words type of person. I actually do what I say I'm going to do. 아이디어는 매우 흔하지만, 행동이야말로 성취도가 높은 사람.. 2023. 1. 11.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] barely vs. rarely (2023.1.4.) January 4, 2023 barely vs. rarely 소량으로 vs. 드물게 A: Are you close with David? B: No, I barely know him. A: You guys seem so close when I listen to your show! B: Yeah, outside of work, we barely talk. We rerely meet. When we do meet, we barely talk. They rarely win, but they barely won tonight. 그들은 이기는 경우가 거의 없지만, 오늘 밤 겨우 이겼다. Let him slide. He's barely late. Also, he's rarely late. I barely sweat... 2023. 1. 10.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] first (2023.1.3.) January 3, 2023 A: So, how was the first day of school? B: It was better than I expected! A: That's great to hear! What was great about it? B: I met a beautiful boy. I think it was love at fist sight. How was your first day working under him? - It was all right. 그사람 밑에서 일하는 첫날은 어땠어? - 괜찮았어. '우선', '먼저'의 다양한 표현 first of all : 격식 상황에서 first things first: 다른 일들에 앞서 가장 중요한 일을 먼저 소개할 때 쓰는 표현 for start.. 2023. 1. 9.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] start over (2023.1.2.) January 2, 2023 start over '새로 시작하다' start again '다시 시도하다' A: I want to start my YouTube over. B: What is your YouTube channel about? A: I teach English on it. It has over 100k subscribers, but it's a daea channel. B: You should start drawing again. Maybe you can make an art YouTube channel. have a fresh start / start with a clean slate I want to go to America and start over. Have a fresh start... 2023. 1. 9.