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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 콩깍지가 씌었다 (2023.3.29.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 30.

March 29, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

Love is blind.

Love is blind. It sees, but it just doesn't mind.


* One is blind.

a blind person / the blind

go blind

He went blind in his fifties.

Stevie Wonder was born blind.


* blind date


* blinded by something

I was blinded by the oncoming car's high beam.

The sun blinded me, so I didn't see the car.


<Today's Situation>

A: He always seems perfect.

B: You don't care what other people say about him?

A: I don't care what others say about him.

B: This is a bit cliche, but as they say, love is blind!


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Have you watched Love is Blind on Netpix?

He always looks past her imperfections and flaws. Love is blind, they say!

Being blinded by love helps couples move to the commitment stage.


Feelings of love deactivate neural pathways responsible for negative emotions.

Sagwa company earned customer loyalty. Love is blind. But this strategy may not work forever.

If love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 아름다움이란 보는 사람의 눈에 달린 것이다.

Love is blind, but it's also in the eyes of the beholder. 사랑은 맹목적이지만 보는 사람의 눈에 달려 있기도 하다.

Thank you for your love and support.

I love him without any strings attached. 나는 그를 아무 조건없이 사랑해.


<Natives Only Nuance>

* Love it or hate it.

Tiktek, love it or hate it, is here to stay. 틱텍은 우리가 좋든 싫든, 우리 삶의 일부가 됐습니다.

Using Instogram, whether we love it or hate it some days, it does bring in customers. 우리가 좋든 싫든, 인스토그램을 사용하면 고객들을 끌어들인다.


* love-and-hate relationship 애증의 관계

A: How's America?

B: It has its pros and cons. It's a love-and-hate relationship.


Venezuela and Columbia have a love-and-hate relationship. In the 90s, Colombians were going to Venezuela. Now, it's the other way.


A: How are you and Lina? Are you guys still not cool?

B: I wouldn't say we're like good friends, but we sometimes chat about guys.

A: It's kind of like a love-and-hate relationship, huh?


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