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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 말 끊어서 죄송한데요 (2023.3.30.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 30.

March 30, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

cut someone/something off

1. 말을 끊다

Sorry to cut you off. / Sorry for cutting you off.


2. 어떤 것을 주요 부분에서 떼어 내어 분리하다

She cut the fat off the meat.


3. 전기,가스, 물 등의 공급을 

I couldn't pay my bills, and the electricity got cut off.

The US threatened to cut off military aid.


4. 전화로 통화하던 누군가의 목소리가 갑자기 들리지 않다.

Hey, I'm sorry. You're cutting off. 네 목소리가 계속 끊겨.


5. 특히 부모님이 더 이상 재정적으로 돕지 않다

My parents cut me off when I was 21.


6. 갑자기 위험하게 움직이는 차 앞으로 끼어들다

I don't like it when cars cut me off and don't apologize.


<Today's Situation>

A: I believe we should wait until...

B: I'm sorry to cut you off, but...

A: No, that's fine. Go ahead.

B: We've been waiting too long. I think the time to move is now.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Just a couple of minutes left. Sorry to cut you off.

That's not true. I'm sorry to cut you off. I'm not aware of that at all.

What do you think about those.. ? - Yeah, I think... Sorry to cut you off. - No, no!


Pepperoni! Pizza! You should've cut me off already. Cut! (유머스럽게 수업을 끝내는 상황)

I'm going to finish in time. I set my alarm so David won't have to cut me off.

I was in the middle of my story and she just cut me off.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>


- Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

- When you interrupt, you've stopped listening.

- Oh, I'm sorry. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours? (상대방이 말 끊을때 위트있게)

- When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. (당신의 일이 자명할때, 방해하지 마세요.)

- Don't interrupt me while I'm interrupting! (드라마에 나올 법한 표현)


intervene 말참견하다

cut short 정해진 시간보다 일찍 끝내 버리다


<Natives Only Nuance>

* 어떤 상황에서도 빠져나올 수 있는 표현들

A: I highly recommend The Notebook. Oh! And check out Taco Tacos in Itaewon. By the way, Chiang Mai was so chill.

B: Oh! Cool. Whoa, look at the time! I should get going now.


Whoa, it's already 8! I'm sorry, guys. I have a zoom meeting at 9. It was so fun today!


Sorry to cut you off. But it's getting really late. We can talk about it next time?



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