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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 마음이 싱숭생숭하다 (2023.3.28.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 28.

March 28, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

I don't konw whether to laugh or cry. /

That's hilarious.

* I don't konw whether to laugh or cry.

whether(~인지 아닌지)의 예문

I'm wondering whether to have pork or beef.

I'm going, whether you like it or not.

You're going to be late whether you go by bus or car.


* That's hilarious!

A: So, yeah. That was crazy.

B: That's hilarious.


<Today's Situation>

A: Wow! Congrats! But you must be sad at the same time.

B: Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean, I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

A: Oh, I bet! Saying goodbye to the kids must be so hard.

B: I mean, even saying goodbye to the place you once lived is hard.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

I'm happy and worried at the same time. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Hahaha. That's hilarious! (사악한 동료가 넘어지는 영상을 보는 상황)

When I dropped my phone in the toilet, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your ignorance.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when my daughter showed me the picture she painted on the wall.

That's hilarious.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

can't think straight 정신을 차릴 수 없다

confused 혼란스러운

bewildered 어리둥절한

I don't know if I'm happy or sad.

I'm happy and sad at the same time. Does that make sense?

What should I do? 어떻게 해야 하지?

What do I do? 어쩌지?


<Natives Only Nuance>

laughing stock

웃음거리.  눕혀진 채로 지나가는 마을 사람들의 시선을 받는 과거의 형벌


I believed in myself, but at the same time, I was worried about becoming a laughing stock.


A: We lost again? When was the last time we even won?

B: We're the laughing stock of the league.


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