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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 약속했다! (2023.3.23.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 23.

March 23, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

I'm gonna hold you to that!


You promised! / I swear.

Pinky promise! (애교스러운 느낌. but, 야쿠자에서 유래)


One is going to hold one to that. (신뢰감의 무게를 상대방의 어깨에 올려놓다)

You'd better keep your promise!


(돈을 꼭 갚겠다고 하는 상황에서 마피아) I'll hold you to that.


<Today's Situation>

(일 구하고 있는데, 멘토와 대화하는 상황)

A: If you don't work, what have you been doing these days?

B: I've been researching how to become a better teacher.

A: Very good! Research while you can. You're going to be super busy soon.

B: Haha, I'm gonna hold you to that! (기대감, 무게감, 애교)


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

(다음에는 데이트 준비를 점심부터 저녁까지 하겠다는 애인에게)

I'll be looking forward to it! / I'll hold you to that!

(부담스럽게 집적거리는 남자가 영화 보자고 하는 상황)

I'm sorry. I'm very busy lately. Maybe some other time. - I'm gonna hold you to that!

(엄마가 아이를 울려서 달래는 상황)

Sorry, honey. I'll buy you whatever you want next time. - Okay.. I'm gonna hold you to that!


You promise? - I promise. - Okay, I'll hold you to that!

Good luck at the meeting. - I won't die, I promise. - I'll hold you to that ~.

This is going to help your career. - I'm gonna hold you to that!


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

I'm gonna take you up on that. 기대할게 (슬랭 표현)

I'll keep that in mind. 명심할게요.

You'd better keep your promise! (공격적으로 들릴 수 있음)


<Natives Only Nuance>

I'll take your word for it.

('너의 말을 믿는다'는 느낌)

A: Be careful of him.

B: Why? He seems so nice.

A: He scammed a lot of people.

B: Hmm. Okay, I'll take your word for it. (네 말 믿어볼게)


A: I'm David.

B: I know. We met in Shinchon two years ago.

A: Oh, really? Where?

B: At YMB!

A: YMB? I never stepped a foot inside YMB!

B: We spoke in the lobby!

A: Hmm. Okay, I'll take your word for it. (그랬겠죠 뭐)


(김교포가 고등학교 때 팬클럽이 있었다고 말하는 상황)

A: Wow! Really? That's so cool.

B: Sure~. 네~

A: Okay, I'll take your word for it. 


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