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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 양해 구하기 (2023.3.22.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 22.

March 22, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

허락을 구하거나 요청할 때 쓰는 표현


* Is it okay if ~ ?

Is it okay if I bring a friend?

Is it okay if she's two years older than you?

Is it okay if I go? 내가 가도 될까요?

It's okay if I go? 내가 가도 된다고요?


* It's okay/all right/fine if ~. 

It's okay if you can't come.

It's all right if you don't want to.

It's (totally/really) fine if you can't.


* Would it be okay if ~?

Would it be okay if I bring a friend?

Would it be okay if I go?


* Would you mind if ~?

Would you mind if I bring a friend?

Would you mind if I can't come?


<Today's Situation>

A: Wow, the steak was so good! Where did you learn how to cook?

B: From my uncle. He's a chef over at Gyopo Steakhouse.

A: I see! Is it okay if I have seconds? 하나 더 먹어도 돼?

B: Of course! Would you like to try rare this time?


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Hey, is it okay if I come over by any chance? 혹시 너의 집에 가도 돼?

Would it be okay if I get a picture (with you)?

Hi, I'm Brian's friend. I'm sorry, but would you mind if I use your bathroom?


Is it okay if I invite Lora?

Cool camera! Would it be okay if I try it?

I'm sorry, but would you mind if I recorded this?


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

Is that okay? (말한 것에 대해) 괜찮아?

Is that okay with you? 괜찮아? (조금 더 예의 있는 표현)

Is that cool with you? 좀 괜찮을까? (조금 더 힘든 문맥에서)

Would that be okay[all right] with you? 괜찮겠어요? (더 공손한 표현)


<Natives Only Nuance>


1. 부탁을 할 때

Can/Could/Will you do me a favor?

Hey, I got a favor to ask you.


2. 간단하게 부탁할 때

Hey, do me a favor and put these in the kitchen, yeah?


3. 누군가에게 귀찮거나 성가신 일을 하지 말라고 요청할 때

Do me a favor, and please be quiet.


4. 친절을 베풀다 / 이득을 주다 (유머러스하게)

I did you a favor by not telling Mob and Dad. 엄마 아빠한테 말 안해서 다행인줄 알아.

She did us a favor by breaking that TV. 그녀가 TV를 고장 낸 게 결국은 좋은 일이었다.


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