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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] call (2023.3.21.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 3. 21.

March 21, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>



1. 부르다

What do you call a Spanish man who lost his car? - Carlos.

They call me David.


2. ~라고 여기다

I don't call that success. That's cheating.

Are you calling me a liar?


3. 누군가를 비판하거나, 그들에 대해 불쾌한 말을 하다

call someone names / name-calling


4. 큰 소리로 말하거나, 가까이에 있지 않은 사람에게 소리를 지르다

She called (to) the waiter for some water.


5. 누구를 '이리 와~' 하면서 부르다

He called me over to his office.


6. 예언하다

I called it! 내가 그랬지!


7. 결정, 판단

It's your call. 너한테 맡길게.


<Today's Situation>

A: What did you call me? (놀림 당하는 아이)

B: Hey, no name-calling! (선생님)

C: I didn't call him any names. (놀리는 아이)

B: Are you calling me a liar right now? (선생님)


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Hey, my name is David, but you can just call me Gyopo.

I don't call that failure. I call that data.

I told you! I called it! (내가 그랬지?)


Try not to call over the waiters at restaurants in America.

Hey, it's your call. You call the shot on this one. (네 결정이다. 이건 네가 결정해)

What do you call this? - Fortune cookie.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

Oh my gosh! What was this song called? 이 노래 제목이 뭐더라?

Too close to call. 확실한 우승자를 가리기엔 실력이 비슷하다

I called in sick yesterday. 어제 전화로 병가를 냈어.

whatchamacallit (이름이 생각나지 않을때) 그거 뭐였더라

= thingamabob 

That was a wake-up call. 그것은 정신 차리게하는 경험이었다.

good call 탁월한 결정

Can you pull over? Nature is calling me.

Let's call a truce.

What a stupid call! We lost! (심판에게) 정말 바보같은 판단이야. 우리 졌잖아.

I call heads. / I call tails. (동전던지기) 앞면 / 뒷면


<Natives Only Nuance>

What do you call this, (then)?

'그럼 이건 뭔데?' 하는 뉘앙스

1. 시치미를 뗄때 

(아빠와 아들)

A: Paul, do you smoke?

B: No.

A: Then what do you call this?


2. 어떤 상황을 다른 상황이라고 할때

(형사가 집에 들어와 있는 상황)

A: What are you doing at my house?

B: I'm here to arrest you.

A: You can't arrest me if you break into my house.

B: I didn't.

A: What do you call this, then?

B: I have a search warrant.
