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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] '많다'의 다양한 표현들 (2023.4.7.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 7.

April 7, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

a lot of / many / much

* a lot of

가산/불가산명사에 모두 사용. lots of, plenty of

The company made a lot of money.

He's very curious about lots of things.


* many

가산 명사에 사용

I have so many things to do.

I've heard so many rumors about me.


* much

불가산명사에 사용

He has too much time on his hands.

How much time do we have?

A: You're so pale. Are you okay?

B: No, I'm not. I drank so much yesterday.


<Today's Situation>

A: Hey, how was Paris?

B: I had a blast. I ate so much food and made many friends.

A: That sounds like a lot of fun! How was the shopping there?

B: I went on a shopping spree. I got a lot of things at the local market.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Parents spend a lot of money on their kids.

$200? You paid too much for it.

But he's done so many bad things in his life.


I've got so much on my plate today. Can you help me with this?

Jeju Island has many beautiful dining locations to choose from.

I have met a lot of students, but not as memorable as you all.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

We used to be a lot of things. 우리는 진짜 다양한 관계였지. (친구, 동료, 경쟁자, 등)

bunch of / tons of 

quite a lot of 상당히 많은

plenty of

considerable amount/number 상당한 양/수


<Natives Only Nuance>

have a little too much to do something/of something

I have a little too much to drink last night.

I have a little too much of a sweet tooth. 나는 단것을 너무 많이 먹는다.


A: Oh boy, I am so full.

B: You ate a lot.

A: I sure did, didn't I? It was delicious. Phew, but I think I ate a little too much.

B: Yeah, you had a little too much to eat.


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