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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] '말랐다'의 다양한 표현들 (2023.4.6.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 6.

April 6, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

skinny / thin / slim / bony

* skinny

보기 좋게 날씬한 것이 아닌 깡마른. (부정적 의미)

He was so skinny in high school.


* thin / slim

얇은, 마른 / 날씬한

Neapolitan pizza has a very thin crust.

She's very slim. / She has a slim body.

10 ways to get a slim body.


She has a nice body. (몸무게가 포함된 뉘앙스 대신 nice를 써서 칭찬)


* bony

삐쩍 마른. (부정적 의미)

Bats have long and bony fingers.

The kids were so bony. They were clearly suffering from malnutrition.


<Today's Situation>

A: I've been working out these days.

B: But you're already slim! I need to get in shape, too.

A: No, I'm too skinny now. I need to gain some muscles.

B: Let's make a beach body for summer together!


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

I'm gonna get a cheese steak sandwich with white thin sliced bread, please.

He's a good-looking guy, but me personally, I don't like skinny guys.

I always go/wear one size down. It makes me look slimmer.


Your legs are so skinny, man. They're like chicken legs, Stop skipping leg days! (다리 운동하는 날을 거르지 마라)

나: Hey, Lora. I'm gonna .. - 엄마: Lora, what? - 나: Wow, theese are really thin walls! (벽이 너무 얇아서 방음이 안 돼)

The chances of this being successful are slim to none. 이것이 성공할 가능성은 거의 없어.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

slender 날씬한

scrawny 뼈만 앙상한 (남자한테 놀리면서)

through think and thin 좋을 때나 나쁠 때나

toned body 탄탄한 몸매

buff 근육이 많은

voluptuous 풍만한, 육감적인


<Natives Only Nuance>

go skinny dipping

'알몸으로 수영하다' go swimming naked의 비격식 표현

I was alone for an hour, so I went skinny dipping in the pool.


A group of college kids always go skinny dipping in the lake and get murdered.



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