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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] early vs. earlier (2023.4.4.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 4.

April 4, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

early vs. earlier

* early

본인이 예상하고 계획했던 것보다 '빠른', '이른'의 의미

I got up early this morning.

He gets up early and makes breakfast for his family.


* earlier

'더 일찍'이라는 의미. early 보다 더 빨랐을 때

I came here earlier than him.

I got up earlier today.

I got up earlier than usual.


'이미', '전에'의 의미도 있음.

Did you call earlier? 아까 전화했었어?

I was studying earlier. 아까 공부하고 있었어.


<Today's Situation>

A: Hey, what (are) you up to?

B: I'm drinking with some friends right now.

A: Haha. Isn't it too early for that? I wanted to see if you wanted to play LOL.

B: It's never too early to drink. I wish you would've called earlier. Maybe next time?


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Early bird gets the worm! - Well, lazy worms get to live.

I wish you would've told me earlier.

My mom asked me why I'm up so early when I pulled an all-nighter.


(The) Earlier the better. 더 빠를수록 좋아요

I think it's way too early to jump to any conclusions. (너무 성급해 보이는 친구에게)

Why didn't you say something earlier? 왜 진작 말하지 않았어?


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

the early 1950s 1950년대 초반

pop the champagne too early 김칫국부터 마시다

miracle morning 새벽4~6시에 일어나 독서나 운동 등 자기 계발을 하는 것

early bird price 조조할인. 얼리버드 가격

night owl = night person <-> early bird = morning person


<Natives Only Nuance>

morning person

(보다 일반적인 표현)

A: Are you a morning person?

B: Well, I think I'm a morning person. I like the feeling when I wake up early in the morning.


Are you a morning or night person? And what time of day are you most productive? Actually, it's not a big deal if you're a morning or night one. The important thing is (that) you should know when you're the most productive.



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