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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] fun vs. funny (2023.4.5.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 5.

April 5, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

fun vs. funny

* fun

'재미'와 '장난', '즐거움' 

A: How was your trip? Was it fun?

B: I had a blast. I spent quality time with my family.


* funny

'재미있는', '웃기는' 뜻의 형용사

A: Tell me! How's your new boyfriend?

B: He's a chef. And he is really sweet and handsome and even funny. I think he's my soulmate.

A: Oh, really? That's good for you.


Making Of The Batman's Best of Behind The Scenes and Funny Moments


<Today's Situation>

A: He's very fun to be around (with).

B: Yeah, I think he's pretty funny.

A: Yeah, he's hilarious. I like his sense of humor.

B: He knows what fun is.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

What do you do for fun? - I like to go for a walk and listen to music.

She's fun and funny.

This smells funny. Why does it smell like candy? 이거 냄새 이상해. 왜 사탕 냄새가 나지?


This part is funny. / This is the funny part.

Time flies when you're having fun. 재미있을 때는 시간이 빨리 가.

범죄자: There's something I need to tell you. - 경찰: (That's) Funny. There's something I need to tell you, too.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

make fun of someone 누구를 놀리다

I had a blast. 너무 즐거웠어

I'm dying. 웃겨 죽겠다

witty 위트 있는

something is entertaining 무엇이 즐겁고 흥미롭다

entertain someone 누구를 재미있게 해주다. 접대하다

It was fun while it lasted. 그래도 재미있었어


<Natives Only Nuance>

Still waiting for the funny part.

(웃긴 얘기가 있다고 했는데, 뭐가 웃긴지 모르겠을 때 쓰는 표현)

A: You know what's funny about you Korean people?

B: What?

A: You guys smell like kimchi! Ahn nyeong ha sae yo!

B: Still waiting for the funny part.


A: And she disappeared. 

B: Still waiting for the funny part.


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