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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] hurt / injure / aching / wounded (2023.4.21.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 21.

April 21, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

hurt / injure / aching / wounded 

* hurt

('다치게 하다', '아프게 하다' 또는 '다친 상태'. 감정적인 아픔/상처에도 사용)

My ear hurts. 귀가 아파

You hurt my feelings. 넌 내게 상처를 줬어.


* injure

('부상을 입히다', '부상' 스포츠에서 골절 등의 부상에 자주 사용)

He injured his leg.

She suffered a serious injury in the car accident.


* aching

(지속적으로 '아픈', '쑤시는', '아린' 등의 뜻)

My back is aching.

I'm aching all over.


* wounded

(총이나 칼과 같이 흉기로 인해 '다친'. 명사형 wound는 '상처', '부상')

Five dead, twenty-one wounded.


<Today's Situation>

A: Are you okay?

B: I don't know. But I think I sprained my ankle. Ow! It hurts!

A: I'll take you to the hospital. Can you walk to the car?

B: Yeah. Man! I injured this ankle playing basketball before.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Ouch. That hurts. (누가 나를 디스한 상황) 아야. 마음이 아프다.

The wound is not too deep. You'll be fine.

We cannot risk an injury. Where does it hurt?


It hurts when I swallow.

He was awarded compensation for the injuries he suffered in the car accident.

I worked out so hard yesterday that my back is aching now.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

cut (날카로운 것에) 베이다

gash 깊이 베이다




sore 따가운, 화끈거리는


<Natives Only Nuance>

It doesn't hurt to do something.

('밑져야 본전이다', '~한다고 해서 손해 볼 건/나쁠 건 없다'는 표현)

It doesn't hurt to double-check your flight status. Better safe than sorry.

Just give it a shot! It doesn't hurt to try. I believe in you. You've been doing great so far.

Come on. One beer won't hurt. / One beer won't kill ya.


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