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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] guest / visitor (2023.4.25.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 25.

April 25, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

guest / visitor 

* guest

('초대받은 사람', invite 의 대상. people의 격식있는 표현)

How many people/guests are coming to your wedding?

We have a special guest on the show tonight!


* visitor

(목적을 가지고 특정한 장소나 대상을 방문하는 '방문객')

A: Sweetie. You have a visitor.

B: Who? I'm coming.


A: What brings you in today?

B: I'm here to visit my friend, Sia.

A: Could you sign your name on this visitors list, please?


<Today's Situation>

A: And this is my guest room. You can stay here tonight.

B: Nice! Do your friends come here often?

A: I would say so. They visit from time to time.

B: Well, thanks for letting me sleep over.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

You have a visitor. A gentleman by the name of Jack is here to see you.

Hey, come on in! You're my first guest! Make yourself at home!

Ladies and gentlemen. We have a special guest here today. He's visiting all the way from the United States! Donald Trump!


15023! You've got a visitor!

Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.

Good guests know when to leave.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

(just) visiting 거주가 아니라 여행 왔다

out-of-towner 외지에서 온 사람

sleep over (남의 집에서) 자고 가다

invitee 초대받은 사람

lodger 하숙인

sojourner 일시 체류자

glovetrotter 세계 각지를 여행하는 사람


<Natives Only Nuance>

Be my guest.

(그럼요, 그렇게 하세요)

Can I ask you something? - Be my guest!

Can I sing the next song? - Be my guest! 


(운전 중에 경찰이 세운 상황)

A: Driver license and registration!

B: Here you go, officer. What's the problem?

A: Your vehicle was reported stolen. May I take a look around?

B: Sure. Be my guest. 그럼요. 좋을대로 하세요.


(유명한 피자집에 같이 온 친구가 으스대는 상황)

A: I can make better pizza than this.

B: Yeah? Be my guest. 그래? 그럼 어디 한번 해봐



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