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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] throw away the trash / throw out the trash (2023.4.26.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 26.

April 26, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

throw away the trash / throw out the trash

* throw away the trash

('쓰레기를 버리다' throw away에 이미 쓰레기통이라는 뉘앙스가 있음. 무언가 갖다 버릴때 throw it away 사용)

A: Can you throw away the trash?

B: Don't throw it away! You're wasting it!


*  throw out the trash

('밖으로 버리다', '내쫓다'. 가끔 throw away 보다 더 강조하는 뉘앙스로 쓰임)

Can you throw out the trash? I'm cooking now. 쓰레기 밖에 버려줄래?

The referee threw him out of the game. 심판이 그를 퇴장 시켰다.

<Today's Situation>

A: Mom, did you throw away the papers that were here by any chance?

B: On the desk? Yeah, I threw it away.

A: What? Those were autographed letters from 김교포!

B: Oh! I'm so sorry, honey. Luckily, your father didn't throw the trash out yet.


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

You still have this? - I couldn't throw it away.

Could you throw out the trash, then?

These clothes gotta go. Throw them out!


Why are you hoarding plastice bags? Throw them away/out!

What are you doing here? - I was just throwing out the trash. Why? (성적표를 몰래 버리려는 상황)

All of my cherished memories from sixth grade onward were lost when my dad threw away my memory box containing pictures, letters, and gifts.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

garbage 쓰레기 (trash가 밖에 나가면 보통 garbage로 바뀜)

dumpster 아파트에서 공유하는 큰 쓰레기통

junk 고물, 폐물

discard 버리다, 처분하다


<Natives Only Nuance>

throw one's life away

(인생을 버리다)

He threw away his life by joining a gang.

She had a happy family and a good job, but she threw it all away by having an affair at work.

He had so much potential, but he threw away his life.

(군복무를 부정적으로 생각하는 친구와 이야기하는 상황)

A: It feels like I threw away two years of my life.

B: I understand how you might feel that way, but I want you to know that your service and sacrifice have not gone unnoticed. Your experience and skills will serve you well in the future.



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