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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] delete / erase (2023.4.24.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 4. 25.

April 24, 2023

<김교포 & 로라's tip>

delete / erase 

* delete

(파일, 기계적인 것들을 '삭제하다')

A: Uhg. I ate chicken last night again. I couldn't help it!

B: Been there done that. But If you really want to lose weight, you should delete those delivery apps first.


* erase

(적어 놓은 글이나 정보들, 기억들을 '지우다', 없애다'. delete 대신 쓸때도 있음)

Can you erase the whiteboard?

I want to erase all the bad memories I have of him.

I erased/deleted all of his pictures.


<Today's Situation>

A: Are you recording me right now? Delete it!

B: Haha, okay. I erased it.

A: I don't believe you. Let me see your phone.

B: Look. It says, "Video has been deleted."


<Pattern & Expression Practice>

Hey, where's the delete button?

The scene was deleted in the remake.

When your computer gets infected with a virus, it will delete/erase the entire system.


Do you know who deleted those files?

You can erase someone from your mind, but it's harder to get them out of your heart.

I accidentally deleted the entire file but was able to recover it using a data recovery tool. Thankfully, I didn't erase it from the recycle bin.


<Bonus Synonymous Native Expressions>

remove (원래 있으면 안 되는 것에서) 제거하다. 지우다

  How can I remove paint from my shirt?

rub something out 무엇을 문질러 지우다

get rid of ~ ~을 제거하다

abolish (법률을) 폐지하다. 없애다

eliminate 탈락시키다

wipe ~ off ~을 닦아 내다

wipe someone/something off the face of the earth 누구를/무엇을 완전히 멸망시키다

put an end 끝내버리다

omit 생략하다


<Natives Only Nuance>

erase something from something

When the teacher went to the restroom, I erased my name on the board.

Can you erase that message from your phone?

I tend to automatically erase bad memories of things from my mind.

Editors erase unnecessary words from articles and books to make them more concise.

I wish I could permanently erase those annoying cartoon characters from my brain.



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