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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 무시하다 (2023.1.30.) January 30, 2023 A: Hey, did you call? B: Yeah, I called you a few times this week. Are you ignoring my calls? A: Haha, no way! I'm very sorry. This week has been so hectic. A: I'm just playing around. So, what you up to? * hectic 벅차면서 힘든 I said, "hi" and she completely ignored me. Suggestions and complaints are being ignored at the company. They ignored the warnings. The signs were there. Just .. 2023. 1. 31.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] make VS get VS have (2023.1.27.) January 27, 2023 make / get / have someone do something ~ 되게 하다. A: Hey, how did your audition go? B: Unfortunately, I didn't make the cut. A: I'm sorry to hear that. The suit you wore that day made my jaw drop, though! B: Haha, thank you. The movie is in the making right now. 그 영화는 현재 제작중이야 She is history in the making. 그녀는 현재 만들어지고 있는 역사(레전드)야 You need to make the best out of it. 최대한 활용할 필요가 있.. 2023. 1. 27.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 겁쟁이 / 소름 / 닭살 / 깜짝이야 (2023.1.26.) January 26, 2023 (번지 점프 하러 가서 망설이는 상황) A: (To the employee) So, how long have you been working here? B: Oh, my God, RAchel! Shut up and just jump! A: You go first, then! B: Stop being such a chicken and just jump! Stop being such a chicken. Come on. Call me. (포커에서 상대방이 콜 하기를 바라는 상황) Chicken. 겁쟁이~ He chickened out. 그는 겁먹어서 안 하기로 했어 Don't be a chicken. Just do it. Coward / Chicken Cowards are usua.. 2023. 1. 26.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 위트있는 칭찬 표현들 (2023.1.25.) January 25, 2023 You make me wanna become a better person. you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. A: What do you like about me? 나의 어떤 점이 좋아? B: You make me wanna become a better person. A: Wow, that's the best compliment someone has ever told me. B: And you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I like you just as you are. You're one in a million. You are my role model and .. 2023. 1. 25.