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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] on the spot (2023.3.8.) March 8, 2023 A: So, did you talk to him about putting you on the spot. B: Yeah, I talked to him right after the meeting. A: Oh! I'm glad you confronted him. What did he say? (confront : 따지다 의 느낌) B: He apologized on the spot, surprisingly. He asked how much I needed and wired the money on the spot. I like 3D printing because I can make what I need on the spot. She took the offer on the spot. I .. 2023. 3. 8.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 나를 곤란하게 만들다 (2023.3.7.) March 7, 2023 A: Hey, can I talk to you real quick? B: Sure, What did you want to talk about? A: You really put me on the spot in the meeting earlier. B: Oh my God. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to. You're putting me on the spot! (아빠가 좋아 엄마가 좋아? 하는 상황) You really put me on the spot the other day. I would appreciate it if you could stop putting me on the spot. We're going to start with Lora. Lad.. 2023. 3. 7.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] mean something의 다양한 뜻 (2023.3.6.) March 6, 2023 A: Excuse me. Can you stop kicking the seat, please? B: Me? I didn't... A: You are still doing it. This is connected to my seat. Look. B: Oh my God. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to. Oh! Are you okay? I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to. Heads up! Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! (친구에게 공을 던지려고 했는데, 다른 사람을 맞힌 상황) Do you really think I'm stupid? - What? No. I didn't mean that! That'.. 2023. 3. 6.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 거절하는 표현들 2 (2023.3.3.) March 3, 2023 A: I'll trade you my Spiderman for your Batman! B: Haha. No way! No can do, sir! My batman is way (pretty) more expensive. A: You're gonna regret this. Just watch. B: Will do~. Republicans wanted to get rid of that law. Democrats said no can do. If you tray to ratate the other way, no can do. (하면 안 되죠~) A: I'll get some sleep soon! You get some sleep, too! B: Will do! Have a good n.. 2023. 3. 3.