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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] Have you p.p. ~? vs. Did you 원형 ~? January 11, 2023 Have you ~? (최근에 일어난 일 / 경험) 해봤어? A: Have you seen Hype Nation 3D? B: No, what is that? A movie? A: Yeah. Jay Park is in it. B: Oh! That movie came out a long time ago. Yeah, I've seen it. Have you emailed him? / Did you emailed him? (아직 할수 있는 분위기) / (했어야 하는 분위기) So, have you decided? - I haven't yet. ( 메뉴 등 ) 결정했어요? (아직 기회 있음) Have you had lunch? / Did you eat lunch? (일반적으로, 점심.. 2023. 1. 11.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] What is that? / What was that? (2023.1.10.) January 10, 2023 What is that? / What was that? 뭐야? / 뭐였지? A: We jest need to score one more point! B: Come on, Curry! Let's go! Five seconds! A: Woah! What was that? B: Why did he just throw th ball to the stands? What does it (exactly) do? (정확히) 어떻게 쓰여요? That's what it does! 이렇게 하는 거구나! what does this do? 이거 어떻게 하는거야? What the heck was that (all) about? 방금 도대체 (강조) 뭐냐? What on earth is that? 세.. 2023. 1. 11.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] should vs. have to vs. must (2023.1.9.) January 9, 2023 shoud (조언, 추천) 상황에 제일 좋다/옳다 have to must A: I think I should go apologize to her. B: You should go to the hospital first. A: Hospital can wait. I'll go see her. It won't be long. B: No, go see a doctor now. You should get going. ER is very expensive. What should we eat today? 우리 오늘 뭐 먹을까? You should get a dog! 개를 한번 키워봐 You should be ashamed of yourself. 부끄러운줄 알아야 돼 How should I .. 2023. 1. 11.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] I guess vs. I think (2023.1.6.) January 6, 2023 I think ~ '나는 ~라고 생각하다' '~인것 같다' I thought ~ '나는 ~인줄 알았다' (내가 생각했던 것과는 다르다는 뉘앙스) A: I think I'm going to go to 진미영's roadshow. B: I thought you were going to Germany! 독일에 가는거 아니었어? A: Yeah, I thought long and hard about it. 오랫동안 고민했어 B: Yeah, I think you made a good choice! You can always go to Germany. I thought I was right, but I don't think I was. - That's what I thought! I kn.. 2023. 1. 11.