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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] Don't talk to someone that way. (2023.1.16.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 16.

January 16, 2023

(참을만큼 참은 상황에서 사용)

Don't talk to someone that way


A: You are so stupid, Mom!

B: Hey, language! Watch your mouth, please.

A: Mom, why does Dad always have to speak for you?

B: That's enough! Don't talk to your mother that way.


You don't talk to your farther that way.

아빠한테 그런 식으로 말하는거 아니야.

You're just a child. 넌 그냥 애일 뿐이야.

Don't talk to my son that way . That's rude. ... . 그건 무례해 / 그건 아니지.

Don't talk to me like that. It's disrespectful. ... . 무례해

You're gonna let him talk to you like that? 그런 식으로 말하게 놔둘거야?


Who taught you to talk like that?

You shouldn't talk to your girlfrien like that.


Don't take it out on me.

나에게 화풀이 하지 마라.

I know you're very stressed, but try not to take it out on me.

... 나한테 풀지는 않도록 해줘

Why are you taking your frustrations out on me?

왜 짜증을 나한테 푸는 거야?


Hey, I'm warning you. Stop it. or I'm gonna call the police.

경고하는데, 멈춰. 안 그러면 경찰을 부를거야



Take it easy / Calm down

Chill (out) 진정해

Take al chill pill 진정 좀 해

Take a deep breath.

Count to ten.

keep / lose one's cool 냉정을 유지하다 / 잃다

pull oneself together 정신 차리다

Just let it go.

I see that you're upset. 화난 것 같군요




진짜 미국 영어 (진짜 미국 영어)

미국 켈리포니아 출신의 교포 영어선생님에게 최신 미국식 영어 표현과 뉘앙스를 배워봅니다.진행 : 김교포 & 로라킴...


