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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] hope vs. wish (2023.1.18.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 18.

January 18, 2023

hope vs. wish

(몰라서 희망) / (안 된다는 걸 알아서 아쉬움을 표현)


A: I'm planning to move to America in the near future.

B: Really? When?

A: I don't know. I hope I can go next year.

B: Wow, that's such a big life choice.


I hope you trust me.

I hope she gets fired.

I hope you understand.

Are you ready? / I hope you're ready!

준비됐지? (물어보는) / (준비됐길 바라는)


I hope you have a good time!

좋은 시간 보내

Are you having a good time? / Hope you're having a good time!

좋은 시간되고 있어? / 좋은 시간 보내고 있길 바래

I hope you're enjoying your time in Korea.

I hope I get a lot of presents on my birthday.


I wish + 주어 + 과거


I hope I can go to America next year. 

I wish I could go to America next year. (못 가는게 확실한 상태에서)

[로라킴] 가능성이 적으므로 현재 상황과 멀게 과거로 바꿔줌


I wish you were here.

Where are you? I hope you're here. 어디야? 왔겠지?

I wish there were some way to find your phone. (가능성 희박)

I hope there's a way to find your phone. (바램)


desire 열망하다

light at the end of tunnel


Don't get one's hopes up. 너무 큰 기대는 하지마


(좋아하는 jay park을 만나게 해준다고 하는 상황)

Oh, wow! Thank you so much!

Don't get your hopes up, though. 


A: This is the best taco place.

B: Really? the best? I'm a taco mania.

A: Well, in my opinion, it is. I don't want to get your hopes up too much.

   내 생각에는.. 네 기대를 너무 높이고 싶지는 않아

B: Haha, what happend to the confidence? well, I'm sure it's going to be good.

   자신감은 어디갔어? 뭐, 맛있겠지




진짜 미국 영어 (진짜 미국 영어)

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