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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 그러지 말걸 그랬어 (2023.1.19.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 19.

January 19, 2023

should've p.p.


A: So l ended up calling her.

B: Are you serious? Oh, David. What happened?

A: You were right. I shouldn't have called her.

B: Aye yai yai, David.

     (Spanish 유래. 아이고, 맙소사)


Yeah, I should've listened to you.

I shoudln't have called him. What was I thinking?

I shoudln't have gone to America. I should've stayed in Korea.

You shouldn't have told her that.


He shouldn't have been hired in the first place.

He got in trouble for something he shouldn't have done.

Everyone has an embarrassing moment. Would you like to share it with everyone?

- haha. I knew I shouldn't have told you that.


I wish I had[hadn't] p.p.

~했다면[하지 않았다면] 좋았을텐데

My sister is moving to the States next month.

I'm so jealous! I wish I had moved to the States when I had the chance.


I wish we had talked about this sooner.


I'm sorry, honey. I should've said something.

Yeah. I do wish you had said something. 


I don't know what I was thinking.

What was I thinking?

What were you thinking?

I wasn't in the right state of mind.

I wish I could go back.

I wish I could take back what I said.

I don't know why I did what I did. (why I did that 의 강조, wit 있게)

I can't believe I did / said that.


A: Should I invest in this stock?

B: You shouldn't. You're gonna be kicking yourself later.

     안 하는게 좋을걸. '내가 왜 그랬지" 하면서 후회할 걸.


A: I wonder what he's doing.

B: You're going to be kicking yourself tomorrow. Do not call him.


You're gonna be kicking yourself if you don't try. if you fail, you'll at least have peace of mind.





진짜 미국 영어 (진짜 미국 영어)

미국 켈리포니아 출신의 교포 영어선생님에게 최신 미국식 영어 표현과 뉘앙스를 배워봅니다.진행 : 김교포 & 로라킴...



