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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] make up one's mind (2023.1.23.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 24.

January 23, 2023

make up one's mind (시간을 들여 고민한 후에 결정하다)

decide (시간과 상관없이 '결정하다')


A: So, have you made up your mind?

B: On what? On what to eat?

A: No, silly. About where to move to!

B: Oh. I still have no clue. I can't make up my mind.


I don't know waht to get.

- It's been ten minutes. Make up your mind!

Have you decided?  (make up.. 으로 물어보면 '많이 참고 기다렸다'는 뉘앙스라 피하고 decide로 질문)

- Sorry. I still haven't made up my mind.

I made up my mind to be an English teacher.

I made up my mind that someday I would go back to America.


That is when I decided to become an English teacher. My mind was made up. Nothing was going to change it.


It has its pros and cons. / Both have their procs and cons.


A: Wow, it must be nice to have your job!

B: Well, it has its pros and cons.


A: Which do you think is better? 진미영 or 진진미영?

B: I think both have their pros and cons. I'm leaning towards 진미영, though.


be on the fence 

(점심메뉴를 고르고 있는 상황)

A: Hmm, how about Tacos?

B: Sounds bueno!

A: On second thought, never mind.

B: Take your time, How about Pho?

A: Ah! I can't make up my mind. I'm on the fence. Sorry for being so wishy-washy.


(퇴사 고민을 하는 상황)

A: Are you still on the fence about quitting?

B: Yeah, I'm still on it.

A: What's there to think about? That's no-brainer!


keep going back and forth 계속 왔다 갔다 하다

wishy-washy 이랬다 저랬다 하는

get second thoughts 다시 의문이 들다

hesitate 망설이다

have doubts 의심을 품다

uncertain 불확실한

have the buyer's remorse 구매한 것에 대해 후회하다


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