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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] white VS pale (2023.1.20.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 20.

January 20, 2023

white VS pale

(인종차별 발언으로 보일수 있음) / (창백한, 피부가 하얀)


A: How do I look?

B: You look pretty! And you are so pale! Do you ever go outside?

A: I don't go outside often.

B: Well, let's go get some beach clothes and go tanning.


You're so pale that you're glowing.

You're so pale. Do you work at night?

Hey, you look pale. Are you okay? - I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I'm just Irish. (아일랜드 유머)

You're not white. You're pale. (장난스럽게 하얗다를 강조)


You got even paler during corona.

It's hard being pale. It's hard to find makeup that goes with my skin.

하얀 피부는 힘들어. 내 피부에 맞는 화장품을 찾기가 힘들어.

Wow, you are so white! - What do you mean? My skin or just me?

무슨말? 피부? 백인스럽다는?

You're really pale. Go get some rest. 

안색이 정말 창백해. 좀 쉬어


Hey, you all right? You look like you saw a ghost.

You look like you saw a ghost. Is everything okay? - I did. My ex is back.

(사라졌던 전 남친이 돌아왔을때)

Hey, you're so pale. You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you okay?

- No, I think I'm going to take the day off today.


like a deer in headlights

A: Hey, I'm moving back to America this year.

B: Wait, what?

A: Haha, I'm just kidding. You should've seen the look on your face!

    You looked like a deer in headlights.


white as a sheet 침대 커버/백지장 처럼 하얀

I need a tan. 선탠을 해야겠어.

light-skinned 백인의, 원래 피부보다 더 하얀

He is a light-skinned black man. 그는 피부가 덜 검은 흑인이다



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