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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] waste of time (2023.1.17.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 17.

January 17, 2023

a waste of time


A: How was tutoring?

B: It's a waste of time. I don't want to do it.

A: Tutoring is not cheap, dear. Mom and Dad care about your future.

B It's a waste of money! I can learn everything online by myself!


Stop wasting time! 시간 낭비하지 마!

They kept faking their injuries and wasted time. 부상으로 속이고 시간을 끌었다 (축구)

What a waste of talent! 재능을 낭비하네

Don't waste your energy on him. 그에게 에너지 낭비하지 마.


Don't waste your breath on him. Save your breath. 말해봐야 소용없다

It was a waste of money. It wasn't even worth a penny. 돈 낭비야. 가치가 없어.

What a waste of height! 키가 아깝다!



I don't want to use/carry the bag because I'm afraid of getting scratches on it.

What? You're going to stay home on a day like this?

It's too bad you can't go out/outside in this weather.

I was so busy that dringing water felt like a waste of time.

너무 바빠서 물 마시는 것도 시간 낭비처럼 느껴졌어

I was so busy that I literally didn't even have time to drink water.

너무 바빠서 말 그대로 물 마실 시간조차 없었어.

You could do something more useful with that time.

그 시간에 좀더 유용한 일을 할 수 있겠다.

She's too good for him. / She's out of his league. 그녀가 아깝지

ABC company doesn't deserve him. ABC는 그를 데리고 있을 자격이 없어.

He doesn't belong there. He deserves more than that. 거기 있을 사람이 아니야


I have no time for this. 이럴 시간 없다

I got betther things to do. '바쁜 사람이에요'의 뉘앙스

That was 15 minutes of my life I can never get back. 제일 아까운 15분이었다.


complete waste of time

wasted effort

waste of time and energy

poor time management

beating a dead horse 헛수고 하기

throwing money away 돈 낭비

unnecessary expense/spending

idling away 

I idled away the whole day watching Netflix.




진짜 미국 영어 (진짜 미국 영어)

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