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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] make VS get VS have (2023.1.27.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 27.

January 27, 2023

make / get / have someone do something

~ 되게 하다.


A: Hey, how did your audition go?

B: Unfortunately, I didn't make the cut.

A: I'm sorry to hear that. The suit you wore that day made my jaw drop, though!

B: Haha, thank you.


The movie is in the making right now. 그 영화는 현재 제작중이야

She is history in the making. 그녀는 현재 만들어지고 있는 역사(레전드)야

You need to make the best out of it. 최대한 활용할 필요가 있어

Money makes the world go around. 돈이 세상을 움직인다


I don't think I can make it tonight. 오늘 밤에 못 갈거 같아

He got fired. To make matters worse, he didn't get paid. 그는 해고됐어. 설상가상으로 돈도 못 받았어

I don't know how much he makes, but it seems like he made it. 얼마나 버는지 모르지만, 그가 만든거 같아

After I make my bed, I make breakfast for my family. 잠자리 정리 후~ ...


make / get / have someone do something


(억지로 시킬때)

He made me do it.

He forced me to do it.

She made me apologize to him.


(설득해서 하게 했을때)

Wow, he said he'll do it? How did you get him to do it?

I got more students of mine to purchase my lecture on ClassU.


(직접 하지 않고 다른 사람을 시켜서 하게 할때)

He's not in right now. I'll have him call you as soon as possible.

I'll have you fired. / I'll have you arrested. (인맥이 있다는 뉘앙스)

(내가 할수 있을때는) I'll fire you. / You're fired.




make money = earn


get to do something / 무언가를 할 기회를 얻다


I got to see a lot of celebrities at the party.

You're so luckly! You get to go on vacation!

I didn't get to see him when he was here in Korea. (볼 기회가 없었다)

When do I get to see you? 언제 볼수 있는거야?

I got my license! I finally get to drive now!

Since I got fired, I got to spend more time with my family.



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