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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] floor VS ground VS story (2023.1.31.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 1. 31.

January 31, 2023

floor VS ground VS story

실내 바닥  floor / ground

밖의 바닥 groung


A: Oh, no!

B: What are you doing? Pick it up! Five-second rule!

A: Oh! Okay! (blows on the food) What's a five-seconde rule, though?

B: It's a food hygiene myth that states it's safe to eat food dropped on the ground within five seconds.


(경찰) On the ground! / On the floor! 엎드려!

Could domebody clean up the floor in aisle 9? / Can you mop the floor?


Threes grow on grounds, but money doesn't grow on trees.

I found a dollar on the ground.

The bathroom floor tiles are pretty.

I was fooling around in the parking lot and dropped my phone on the ground.


floor VS story VS flights (of stairs)


There are 15 floors in this building.

This building has 15 stories.

Come five floors[stories] up!

This is a 15-story building. (단수로 표현, 형용사이므로)


What floor? 몇 층?

I live on the 12th floor. 12층에 삽니다.

Come up to the third floor. 3층으로 올라와


I walked up four flights to get to the office. 4개층을 올라갔어 = 5층으로 갔다는 뜻


stand one's ground 주장을 굽히지 않다

Floor it! (액셀) 밟아!

ROFL (Rolling On The Floor Laughing) LOL: Laughing Out Loud 의 강조 표현

ground zero 어떤 활동의 시작점이나 근거지.

(핵폭발 등 극적인/폭력적인 사건의 지점을 의미. 911 사건 world trade center 도 ground zero라고 표현)

On what grounds? 어떤 근거로?

(make) ground rules 기본 규칙(을 만들다)

floor someone 어안이 벙벙하게 만들다

tear up the dance floor 무대에서 춤을 멋지게 추다

the floor 무대

The floor[stage] is yours. (은유적으로) 당신 차례입니다 (동기부여)


be grounded

외출금지 만이 아니라 벌로 특정한 행동이 허락되지 않는다는 뜻

(엄마아빠에게 혼나는 상황)

Don't speak to your mother that way!

You know, what. You're grounded. No cell phone for two weeks!


My mom used to ground me all the time, but she would let it go after a while. ...


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