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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] be 동사 (2023.2.2.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 2.

February 2, 2023


누구/무엇의 상태

who / what / where / when / how


A: Where are you right now?

B: I'm at home. What are you doing?

A: Same here. I'm a bit stressed. Do you wanna go drink?

B: Right now? It's 10 a.m. It's too early for that!


Who is this[Who's calling]? - Hi, this is David. / Hi, I'm David.

What is that? / What was that? 저거 뭐야? / 저거 뭐였어? (행동에 대해서도 사용)

It's my birthday soon! - When is it? - It's this Friday!

I was very happy when I was 12.


Who are you? (갑자기 변했을때도 가능=What happened to you?)

Where were you last night? - I was at work. I fell asleep. I was tired.

Is anyone there? Hello? - Help! - Where are you? - I'm in the kitchen.

Who is this? - That's your mother. - How is that mom? - She's prettier now, huh?


I live in Seoul.(일반적) / I'm living in Seoul right now. (일시적인 느낌)

I'm studying right now. / I was studying (earlier). (아까) / I was studying when you called.

I'm watching a movie. / I was watching a movie.

I'm doing the dishes. / I was doing the dishes.

I'm working out. / I was working out.


(상태 동사, 즉 움직임이 없는 동사(know, want, hate, believe 등)은 현재 진행이 어색함.)

I'm knowing them. --> I'm getting to know them.

I'm hating them. --> I hate them. / I'm starting to hate them.


* I'm loving it. (예외적)


(미래에 이미 정해져 있는 계획이나 약속 등) (가까운 미래)

I'm going to the meeting. Are you going to the meeting? 회의 가고 있어, 회의 갈거야?

Are you doing anything tomorrow? - I'm watching a movie with my friends. 내일 뭐해? 영화 봐


You're Korean, aren't you?

You're not Korean, are you?


bring ('가져오다' 이지만)  I'll bring the meat! 

Come through! (지나갑니다!) ,  I'm coming/going! (가요!)


Have you been to Thailand? - No, I haven't (been there).

I think I've been here before.


I have to be[arrive / get] there by 2.

What time are you going to be here?

What time are you going to come? (아직 떠나지 않은 상태) 몇시에 올거야?


Thanks for being here. (지금) 위로해 줘서 고마워 (직역: 옆에 있어 줘서 고마워)

Thanks for being there. (과거) 그때 고마웠어.


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