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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 일반적인 이야기의 복수, 현재 동사 (2023.2.6.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 6.

February 6, 2023

dogs, ...

Monday, ...

You, We, ...

A: Are you a dog person or a cat person?

B: I like dogs, but cats as pets

A: Why do you say that?

B: When you come home, cats are so chill, but dogs are so clingy.


I hate Mondays. - Well, Mondays are great for fresh starts!

Cars are more dangerous than airplanes, but people are scared of airplanes more.

I don't like wearing a hat. - Why not? - I just don't like hats.

Do you like going to the gym? - No, I think gyms are dirty!


I need to buy some stocks. The prices are low right now.

Forget the haters, Real friends will always be there for you.

Do you prefer coffee or tea

I love chickens.(동물) They're so cute. - Yeah, until they turn into chicken.(요리) - What the heck?


- 자주 일어나는 습관이나 팩트, 명령

Do you work out a lot? - No, not a lot. I go to the gym twice a week.

Do you like to wake up early? - No, I like to watch movies at night.

Why are you nice to me? 왜 잘해줘?

Why are you being so nice to me(all of a sudden)? (갑자기)왜 잘해주는거야?

Go to your room now!

Put it over there.


- 과거에 대해 얘기할 때

2011 September 17th. It's a gloomy day. I step outside of the airport and see/saw a busy bus driver.


- 읽거나 듣거나 본 내용, 리뷰 등

She is an absolute professional and takes care of you 100%. Her hair-cutting skills are amazing and always satisfy you. She doesn't whip through the haircut.


- 복수명사

When we buy stocks, we like the Samsongs, Papples, Tuslas.


일반적인 이야기 또는 주어가 딱히 없을때 you 사용, 집단적인 느낌은 we 사용

I like my job because all you need are a computer and the internet.


A: What's wrong with working out 10 hours a day?

B: We all like ice cream. But you shouldn't eat too much of it.


(구글검색을 하는 상황)

What do you do when you're sad?


(눈이 불타고 있는 기현상을 본 상황)

Wow, you don't see this every day!



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