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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] it VS this VS that (2023.2.7.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 7.

February 7, 2023

it 서로 무엇인지 아는 상황에서, 주어 역할 (it is / there is)

this / that


A: I can't find my phone! It was right here!

B: I think I saw it on the kitchen table.

A: Oh, here it is! I thought I lost it.

B: It's good to know you're not perfect. Haha. (주어 역할)


Hey, why the long face? - Sorry, I don't wnat to talk about it right now.

How was your trip to Bali? - I liked it. It was so nice. You gotta go there!

What time is it? - It's siz. / It was December, so it was pretty cold.

David! There's someone outside! - Who is it? (집에 왔으면 아는 사람일 거라는 기대로 it)


(전화) Who is this? - This is David. / Hello. This is David speaking.

It's important to practice speaking as much as possible. (주어 역할)

There are only three restaurants here. - Let's check all of them out!


- 전화 상황

It's me. 서로 알고 있을때

This is David.모를 때 


- 강조 상황

It's frustrating! 답답하다

This is frustrating! 이거 답답하다


- 멀리 있는 것

A: What is that?

B: It's a spider.

A: Wow, it's huge!


- 상대방의 말에 공감하는 경우 that 

A: I got a job!

B: That's great!


it 내가 설명할때

that 상대방의 말에 리액션 할때

A: How's Korea?

B: It's great!


(내 발을 밟은 상황)

A: I'm so sorry

B: It's okay.

    That's okay. (더 괜찮다는 뉘앙스)


A: I bought a new car!

B: It's nice. (자동차가) 멋지네

    That's nice! (자동차를 산 일이) 멋지네!


That's it. / Is that it? 


Is this your bag? - No, that's not it.


Is it because I went drinking last night? - No, it's not that.


Are you guys dating? - No, it's not like that.



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