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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] to (2023.2.9.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 9.

February 9, 2023

to 목적, 이유, 방향


A: Why did you go back home?

B: To get my laptop, but it wasn't there.

A: Oh, I forgot to tell you! Dad had to use it.

B: To do what? Why didn't he just use the computer? 뭘 하려고?


Do you like to wake up early? - No, I just wake up early to go to work.

I like to play the guitar because it relieves my stress.

I like playing the guitar to relieve my stress.

You need to practice to be a good speaker.


Please click the "like" button. I plan to make more videos like these.

We decided to do business together.

Please remind me to call her later.

He was suprised to see me. 그는 나를 보고 놀랐어.


- '동사 + to + 동사' 무엇을 왜 해야 하는지

I need to go.

I want to talk.


- 어떤 장소에 간다

This bus goes to Gangnam.

I'm going to school later.


- 무엇을 하러 간다

I'm going to school to study.


- 연결고리 역할

There were twenty to thirty people.


- 형용사 + to + 동사/명사

She's nice to me.

That's easy to say.

This game is impossible to beat.

I am glad to see you.


- 명사 + to + 동사

I gave him a chance to apologize.

I felt so alone. I had no one to talk.

There's nothing to do in this city.


- 'stop + -ing' 행동이 더이상 일어나지 않음. / 'stop to 동사' 다른 것을 위해 중단

I stopped to withdraw cash. 인출하려고 멈췄다.

I stopped withdrawing cash. 돈 인출을 멈췄다.


- 'try + -ing' 시도 / 'try to 동사' 애쓰다

I tried to turning the phone off an on.

I'm trying to learn Spanish, but it's not easy.


- 'remember/forget + -ing' 과거에 어떤 것을 기억/망각 / 'remember/forget to 동사' 할 일이 있다는 것을 상기/망각

I remember asking her a lot of questions in calss.

I don't remember going there. 거기에 간 기억이 없어

I'll never forget sleeping in that house.

Please remember to subscribe!

I forgot to lock the door.

Don't forget to ask her a lot of questions.


starting to ~

There is a pattern starting to develop.

--> A pattern is developing.

--> A pattern developed.

I'm starting to feel dissatisfied. 불만이 생기기 시작

--> I'm not feeling satisfied. 만족스럽지 않은 상태다

--> I'm not satisfied. 만족스럽지 않다.


(형용사는 get 과 함께)

I'm starting to get hungry. 슬슬 배고파지고 있다.

--> I'm getting hungry. 배고파지고 있다

--> I'm hungry. 배고프다.



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