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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] for (2023.2.10.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 10.

February 10, 2023

for ~ ~에 영향을 끼치다

용도의 의미

목적을 '교환'하는 의미



A: Hey. This is for you.

B: What is this for?

A: It was your birthday last week! What did you do for your birthday?

B: I went to Hawaii. I brought you this. It's good for you.


Laughing is good for your brain.

I sent an email for him.

I've been here (living) for ten years.

What is this used for? - It's for cutting bread.


That's good for you! I'm so happy to hear that!

He brought food for me.

I paid $500 for the phone.

Thank you. - For what?


- to ~ / for ~

He brought it to me.

He brought it for impress me.

He brought it for me.


He went to Italy.

He went to Italy to party.

He went to Italy for work.


I went to the cleaners to pick up my clothes.

I'm here to pick up my clothes.

I'm here for my clothes. 옷을 위해 왔소. 강한 느낌)

I'm here for you. (위로의 느낌) 내가 있잖아


They fought for our rights.

They fought to protect our rights.


I need that for opening canned foods.

I need that to open canned foods.

That's for opening cans.


She's good to you. 그녀는 너에게 잘해준다.

She's good for you. 그녀는 너에게 좋은 영향을 주는 사람이다.


I apologized to thim.

I apologize for coming late.


I went to Italy.

I went to Italy for work for two weeks.


Did you ask him?

Why didn't you ask for help?


I was standing in line, waiting to pay.

I've been waiting for you.


Youtube videos are helpful for me. 나에게 도움이 된다.

Youtube videos are helpful to me. 내 생각에는 .. 도움이 된다.

* 내 해석: 도움이 되게 나에게 왔다.


I have to go to Korea. It's important for my career. 커리어에 도움이 된다. (예: 세미나)

I have to go to Korea. It's important to me. 나한테는 중요한 일이다. (예: 친구 결혼식)



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