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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 일반 동사와 do (2023.2.3.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 4.

February 3, 2023

run, jump, talk, hit 등 '동작 동사(action verbs)': 신체, 물체와 함께 수행되는 행동

love, want, resemble, have 등 '상태 동사(stative verbs)': 존재의 조건이나 상태, 현재진행형 불가


A: Why are you so tired?

B: I worked out for two hours.

A: I see. I walked my dogs for two hours too!

B: Nice! You and I like healthy things.


You scared me! / Stop it! / You're scaring me!

He made me go. / He made me do it.

He's singing in the bathroom. He loves music.

I live in Seoul right now. / I'm living in Seoul for now.


Where's your phone? - I lost it yesterday. (it 을 빼면 '졌다'가 됨)

I go to work by 8 a.m. / I work a lot.

She drives a nice car. / She drives to work. / She drove to work.


do / does / did / done


I did my homework.

We did it!


의문문: 일반동사와 같이 사용

Do you work? / Where do you work? / When do you work? / Whom do you work with?

Do you live in Seoul? / Where do you live? / How do you live with yourself?

Do you drive? / What do you drive? / Did you drive here?


반복을 피함

Do you love me? - Yes, I do.

I do that every day.


강조할 때

I do love you, but you deserve better.

I did call him, but only once. 하긴 했는데.

I did call you! 했다고!

Do you have a headache? - I do have a headache, but it's not that bad. 아프긴 해.


Do you have a test soon? Are you nervous? Did you study?

Do you know her? 

Do you do your own laundry?

Does your mother know you're here?

How did you guys meet?

Does your dog bark a lot? / Is your dog loud?

Does this work? / Is this broken?

Does it smell? 냄새나?  / Is it smelly? 그건 냄새나는 거야?

Does your skin itch? 가려워? Is your skin itchy? 피부가 가려워(피부의 상태를 묻는)


축약이 일반적, 풀어서 말하면 강조의 의미

I'm a teacher.

I AM a teacher.


Didn't you go there? / Did you not go there? 


Didn't you? / Did you not?


You didn't, did you? 

You did, didn't you?


강조의 포인트

I did the dishes. / I did the dishes. / I did the dishes.



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