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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] I bet VS I'm sure VS I think VS I guess (2023.2.17.)

by 올빼미아빠 2023. 2. 17.

February 17, 2023

I bet 추측하는 느낌, 공감하는 느낌. (비격식)

I'm sure 확신하는 느낌. 진지함

I think

I guess


A: Hey, I bet you that she's the killer.

B: Oh, yeah? What makes you think that?

A: She's too normal. Everyone else is trying too hard.

B: I got a feeling her husband is the killer.


I bet he'll toss and turn tonight.

I bet she's the life of the party!

I bet if there were an earthquake right now, knock on wood, some of you will record it.

I almost accidentally got her expelled from school. - No way! I bet she was so mad!


I bet you don't remember me, do you? (오랜만에 만난 상황, 동창회 등)

There was mad traffic. I got home at midnight. - Oh, man. I bet you were dead tired.

I bet you were popular in high school.

Wait. I bet that's David. (전화벨이 울릴 때, 전화 건 사람을 추측)


Oh, don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine.


I bet he's coming... 그가 올걸.. (오지 말았으면 하는 느낌)

I'm sure he's coming. 그가 분명히 올거야 (위로/확신)


I think you're right.

I guess you're right. (네가 맞다고 치자'는 느낌)


I think I'm going. 

I guess I'm going. (가고 싶은데 마지 못해 가는 느낌)


I think we'll have to find somebody else.

I guess we'll just have to find somebody else. (어쩌겠어요) 다른 사람 찾아야겠네요. (압박의 느낌)


I believe he's coming.

I suppose. (I guess 의 격식)


It seems that / It looks like / It sounds like

(분위기, 낌새를 느낌) '그래 보여' 정도?


A; I'm sure he won't let me down.

B: I wouldn't bet on it


A: I bet he's coming!

B: (How much do) you wanna bet?

C: What are you guys betting on?


A: Wanna join us for dinner?

B: You bet! / You bet I do! 



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