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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] -ed VS -ing (2023.2.8.) February 8, 2023 -ed 성격, 특징을 나타냄 -ing 영향을 주어 감정을 유발시킴 A: The lecture was confusing. I didn't get it. B: Yeah, I'm so confused too. A: Which part was the most confusing? B: The whole thing in general. Confusing lectures make students confused. I'm so tired! This is very tiring! The movie was (very) interesting. If you want people interested, you have to be interesting. You have to be interesting .. 2023. 2. 8.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] it VS this VS that (2023.2.7.) February 7, 2023 it 서로 무엇인지 아는 상황에서, 주어 역할 (it is / there is) this / that A: I can't find my phone! It was right here! B: I think I saw it on the kitchen table. A: Oh, here it is! I thought I lost it. B: It's good to know you're not perfect. Haha. (주어 역할) Hey, why the long face? - Sorry, I don't wnat to talk about it right now. How was your trip to Bali? - I liked it. It was so nice. You gotta g.. 2023. 2. 7.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 일반적인 이야기의 복수, 현재 동사 (2023.2.6.) February 6, 2023 dogs, ... Monday, ... You, We, ... A: Are you a dog person or a cat person? B: I like dogs, but cats as pets. A: Why do you say that? B: When you come home, cats are so chill, but dogs are so clingy. I hate Mondays. - Well, Mondays are great for fresh starts! Cars are more dangerous than airplanes, but people are scared of airplanes more. I don't like wearing a hat. - Why not? -.. 2023. 2. 6.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 일반 동사와 do (2023.2.3.) February 3, 2023 run, jump, talk, hit 등 '동작 동사(action verbs)': 신체, 물체와 함께 수행되는 행동 love, want, resemble, have 등 '상태 동사(stative verbs)': 존재의 조건이나 상태, 현재진행형 불가 A: Why are you so tired? B: I worked out for two hours. A: I see. I walked my dogs for two hours too! B: Nice! You and I like healthy things. You scared me! / Stop it! / You're scaring me! He made me go. / He made me do it. He's singing in t.. 2023. 2. 4.