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[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 조언 3가지 패턴 (2023.3.27.) March 27, 2023 A: I didn't know anyone there. I felt so out of place. (그 자리에 어울리지 않는다고 느꼈다) B: What time was the seminar, and when did you get there? (get somewhere 어디에 도착하다) A: It started at 10, and I got there around 9:50ish. (~ish 대략~) B: You should go early to seminars. You'd be more comfortable. You should go early to seminars. You'd be more relaxed. I recommend going early to seminars. You.. 2023. 3. 27.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 확실하진 않지만... (2023.3.24.) March 24, 2023 (김교포 수강생이 엄청 늘어난 상황) A: Hey! Congraturations! I saw your post on Instagram. B: Oh. About my personal lecture? Thank you! A: Yeah! How many students registered for your class that day? B: I'm not sure. I think around 1,500? Don't hold me to that, though! I think I moved to the states in 1990. But don't hold me to it. Honest, always make good on my promise. I don't talk it. I do it... 2023. 3. 25.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 약속했다! (2023.3.23.) March 23, 2023 2023. 3. 23.
[EBS 진짜 미국 영어] 양해 구하기 (2023.3.22.) March 22, 2023 A: Wow, the steak was so good! Where did you learn how to cook? B: From my uncle. He's a chef over at Gyopo Steakhouse. A: I see! Is it okay if I have seconds? 하나 더 먹어도 돼? B: Of course! Would you like to try rare this time? Hey, is it okay if I come over by any chance? 혹시 너의 집에 가도 돼? Would it be okay if I get a picture (with you)? Hi, I'm Brian's friend. I'm sorry, but would you m.. 2023. 3. 22.